Live with Clarity, peace and resilience!

Each of us is born with a brave spirit, passionate heart, and clarity of mind.

Our potential is Endless!

Over time however, our clarity becomes muddled and contaminated.

We learn to doubt ourselves and outsource our inner wisdom and authenticity to the authority of others so we can fit in.

This can serve us in the short term, helping us gain popularity, validation, stay safe and secure. But it often leaves us feeling… disconnected.

Enter: Subtractive Psychology.

Subtractive psychology is a simple approach to cultivating a meaningful and fulfilling life.

While most self help focuses on learning new techniques, adding tools and making the already busy mind busier. Contrastingly, Subtractive Psychology centers on clearing away the rubble of past experiences and unnescecarry stress to help you access your innate wisdom, authenticity and enable clear sight of the possibilities and actions in your present.

From this perspective, each person (yourself included) is born with innate:

💫 Resilience
💫 Natural motivation
💫 Capacity to enjoy life
💫 Ability to navigate life’s challenges with ease, purpose, peace of mind and action.

When we clear the limiting beliefs holding us back, we reconnect with our authentic selves

Living connected to our innate resilience and wisdom elevates our success and helps us to perform at higher levels.

Clients often express that they're operating at around 60% of their full capacity and potential. The same drivers that got them there are often the same drivers that tend to clutter the mind and limit their potential. 💥

By learning to see through conditioned beliefs, you transform unlocking further potential:

Stress ➤ Ease
Overwhelm ➤ Peace of Mind
Mental Blocks ➤ Out of the Box Innovation
Low motivation ➤ Endless Inspiration
Lack of fulfilment ➤ Living a Purposeful and Joy-Fuelled Life
Attachment to outcome ➤ Embracing the Journey.
Procrastination ➤ Action in the moment.

All it takes is a willingness to explore your thoughts.

Ultimately, the more we explore our thoughts, the more we recognize that we are not our thoughts, but rather the thinker. We are always feeling thought in the moment, we are always feeling our thinking and it’s up to us which thoughts or feelings we identify with or act on.

🌟 Looking for some support as you clear the limiting beliefs holding you back from cultivating a life of effortless motivation, personal connection to your work, and clarity?


Shifting Your Relationship to Fear & Failure or Perfectionism.


Nothing I do ever feels like it’s enough.