“When we are listened to, it creates us. It makes us unfold and expand. Ideas actually begin to grow within us and come life.

— Brenda Ueland

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I've seen many psychologists and specialists in the past to try to deal with my anxiety, but none have had quite the life changing impact as my sessions with Daniel.

When Daniel and I first met, I was stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts fueled by my perfectionism and social media pressures. Daniel gave me the tools to start loving my authentic self, which I could never seem to do in the past. In the months following, I was able to find my own voice again, form deeper connections with my friends and family, and finally look at myself in the mirror and feel proud.

It has been exactly 1 year since our last session and I can safely say that the old Tilley, who used to beat herself up about everything, is no longer part of my life! I've met someone I want to spend the rest of my life with, established an amazing tribe of friends, done more things for myself, and constantly made more progress both physically and mentally. Most importantly, loving myself every day has become natural and effortless. Thank you Daniel for helping change my life.

Tilley W


The last year or so working with Daniel has felt pretty normal. Normal in a sense that its part of my weekly routine and I look forward to our sessions every week. 

Theres no huge wow moment every week for me, but when I think back now, Its hard to imagine how I was a year ago before I started coaching with Daniel. 

Spending the time thinking back is actually the WOW moment. 

The things that I am able to do now without even thinking about it are amazing to me. It has fundamentally shifted the way I show up in the world. 

Being able to address issues or face adversity immediately without over analyzing or stressing about it for days. To have open, kind and direct communication with my staff, friends, family and everyone. 

Processing worries, stress and letting go of judgements that I would normally place on myself. Becoming more efficient and effective at work and life through purpose management.

Seeing possibility and opportunity in every moment.  

These are all things that we worked on and changes that happened within me suddenly and without much effort or even me realizing that it was happening. That's the crazy thing about this for me. It just kind of happens when you work with Daniel.

E.C Ken Investments LLC


Thanks for the session Daniel, it really helped me put things into perspective.

Through our conversation I realized just how capable I am.

Everything that we’ve talked about really resonated with me. I’ve found myself naturally getting back into my daily routine and out of the rut I was stuck in. It’s clear to me what was holding me back and why I felt the way I did.

It feels so good to be back in my groove and daily routines

This journey has been full of profound insights and transformation.

Luis L


Hey Daniel

I really do appreciate the journey we’ve been on together. The insights and breakthrough’s I’ve experienced.

It really helped me feel more aligned and release triggers and limiting beliefs that were holding me back from executing on my vision.

I now see things with a clear perspective.

I can now see how I put myself in that rut and more importantly how to take myself out.

I’m deeply grateful and just wanted to say thank you.

Terry L


Since working with Daniel I’ve experienced a level of clarity I didn’t think was possible. For as long as I can remember. Before, I was running on fumes. 

Daniel is an incredible guide. He can take a belief or a situation that I’m experiencing and dissect, investigate it and show me how to dissolve it- which in the beginning was confronting and uncomfortable. But, through our sessions I started to see the value of showing up vulnerable and open which is when I felt myself transforming from the inside out. 

Over time I realized all the old patterns that I was holding onto and were holding me back. Patterns that were from the past that I wanted but didn’t know how to let go of.

During one or sessions I reconnected to the joy I felt from childhood, it just came out of the blue. That’s when I realized that my heart was beginning to open and I felt a release of emotions that I had kept repressed for so long. 

I remembered aspects of myself that I had kept locked away out of survival and the mask I created on top of it all.

I never imagined having a conversation every week would have such an impact. My mind is in balance, I’ve created a new vision and attitude towards my life. I find myself excited about developing habits and have set a lot of boundaries around impulses and distractions that drain my energy. 

And the most unexpected thing is how this transformation has felt truly natural. Daniel has guided and given me tools that I can choose to practice on a daily basis to become aware of what is showing up in my perception and how to shift it.

It’s been a profound and transformational journey and I just hope this testimonial does it justice.

Jim H


Daniel's website and socials do not do justice to the value he brings or our work together.

Here's my experience in our year together.

I have a bias for action and pride myself on being busy, and I did not want to give that up. During our time together, I've dropped the mask of busyness whilst keeping my hunger for success. I've gained a significantly deeper trust in my abilities, decision-making capabilities and intuition, and I quickly get into a flow during work hours. I'm proactively having more open, non-reactive and in consistent dialogue with my team, which has led to creative and practical straight-line solutions.

We don't always get it right, but I'm taking more risks towards communicating than before, and we're not afraid to make mistakes.

I'm less repressive of emotions or feel the need to people please, enable/save friends and loved ones which was always a big sticking point, and I can see the impact that lacking boundaries had on my energy.

I've gained a love for myself and life. I can see the guilt and drama I placed on myself when I didn't meet expectations. I've learnt to process and release a lot of triggers and patterns that were getting in the way of progress.

I now see how that lens of the world left me uninspired, exhausted and dismissive of other areas of life, primarily intimate relationships or even the need for a relationship. Another significant insight was the realization that I wasn't allowing myself to receive care and love from others or myself and the experiences and beliefs that created that.

Daniel has opened a depth of understanding and experience previously unexpected. I thought coaching was about advice giving or solutions, and he'd just tell me what to do. But, he's continuously surprised me with depth, left me empowered with owning my uniqueness and wisdom, and delivered more value than expected.

I will continue my work with Daniel because of the changes I've experienced, not from a place of reliance but a place of ongoing growth.

I'd highly recommend giving Daniel's coaching a chance. Just have a conversation, and experience it for yourself. It'll be the gift that keeps giving.

