What happens when you open your heart?

When we put aside our judgements and communicate from unconditional love, we empower those around us with the freedom to make the best choice for themselves.

Even as a coach, I’m reminded of this lesson time and time again.

I remember one experience after I moved back to Australia to spend time with my dad.

He was preparing to move to a new home, and now as a successful adult, I was excited by the prospect of supporting him however I could and proving myself and my expertise in his eyes.

As we lived together, I used my knowledge of wellbeing, clarity, and mindsets to help my dad elevate his life and help fix him..

🔷 I’d help him cultivate a resilient mindset,
🔷 Develop healthy eating and exercise habits,
🔷 Reduce clutter to welcome in clarity,
🔷 Create a less stressful, more fulfilling life

But something strange happened.

The more I began “helping,” the more tension grew in our relationship..

The more tension he felt, the more resistant he became to the changes I felt were vital for him to enjoy his life.

So I reflected. And in my reflection, I realized I hadn’t been listening to my dad.

I was coming from my judgments of what he needed and wanting to prove myself. And my judgment had made my dad more resistant to change and worsened our relationship.

Once I began coming from open, non-judgemental acceptance, support, and unconditional love, my dad felt the space and freedom to dissolve resistance on his own terms.

He began releasing childhood conditioning around not wasting anything, which had been a source of tension as we sorted through piles of belongings for his move.

He began saying things like, “It's ok, I used it's value at the time. I can let it go.”

I felt closer to him, as I now understood the stress he felt letting go of each item. Ultimately, the best thing I could do was support him.

When it comes to “fixing” others, it’s essential to remember that it’s our privilege to love, not our responsibility to fix.

Instead of telling our loved ones what they should do and providing the path we see as best for them, it’s often more impactful to instead provide support and unconditional love as they discover their own path for themselves.


The iceberg principle


Fighting fire with fire has never worked.