The different phases of the fitness journey.

The Resistance Phase.

We often experience a start-stop cycle during this phase through emotional waves of pride-guilt, motivated-unmotivated and pain-pleasure. The weight scale is often our worst enemy.

Excuses are most prevalent. We're still grasping the details of eating for results, the types of exercises we enjoy and contemplate the reality of what we want to achieve.
At the resistance phase, there is a lot of stressful internal dialogue and comparison. We hire coaches for fundamental guidance, encouragement and we need accountability. It's a steep learning curve, and it's all about clarifying your perspective and priorities in preparation for the next phase, which is

The Commitment Phase

Resistance is still there, but we're committed to showing up. Results are motivating, and going is more important than excuses. We've built momentum, so stopping seems more challenging than grinding it out.
In this phase, we're more likely to entertain the all or nothing approach and may hire a coach for a specific system to hone our technique, specify nutritional guidelines, and challenge us. We cycle through willpower-inspiration, but mainly willpower. We solidify habits through time, patience, and consistency, improve our techniques, overcome resistance, and achieve results.

Which may lead to

The Lifestyle Phase.

We no longer rely on willpower or inspiration to show up. At times, we still experience laziness, but habits are so ingrained into our lifestyle that resistance is negligible. There is much less internal dialogue or comparison if any. We introduce a lot more balance into our routines. Guilt becomes a thing of the past, and when we fall off the wagon, we jump back on without stress. Maintaining consistency, mastery, enjoyment, and a good balance of our healthy habits may take priority over a specific result.

I hope this gives you an insight into what you may be going through, what to expect and a reminder to keep going. It's a life-changing journey with essential lessons to learn through each phase.

It's worth it


Every system is perfect for the results it gets.