The Backpack of Burden

🎒 Let’s talk about the Backpack of Burden.

How many of us have found ourselves struggling with things like burnout, anxiety, analysis paralysis, and stress as we work towards our goals?

When I talk with my clarity coaching clients, almost all have at times found themselves stuck and unable to move forward without feeling this weight of resistance.

That resistance often visits us in the forms of:

❌ Mental fog

❌ Low motivation

❌ Fatigue 

❌ Analysis paralysis

❌ Imposter Syndrome

❌ Tension in relationships

❌ Constant worry and pressure about letting people down or failing expectations

The backpack of burden is a way of visualizing how we hold ourselves back from our goals.

✨Imagine that each of your experiences is like a stone. Throughout our lives, we each collect stone after stone, storing them in a pack strapped to our back. These stones come in the form of expectations from others, judgements from our environment and society, and cultural conditioning.

As we grow older, this bag becomes heavier and heavier. 

When we take the time to empty our backpack and explore the experiences we’ve been burdening ourselves with over the years, we empower ourselves to stride towards our goals with ease, clarity, and inspired energy.💫

Unpacking your backpack of burden can help:

⚡️ Boost Energy

⚡️ Inspire Creativity

⚡️ Unlock Effortless Productivity

⚡️ Increase Resilience

⚡️ Enhance Innovation & problem solving

⚡️ Grow capacity to take on more goals

⚡️ Cultivate more joy and peace of mind

👉  The first step to unload your backpack: acknowledgment. 

We often avoid painful memories, but to let go of limiting beliefs holding us back, it’s important to acknowledge our experience. 💖When we do that, we empower ourselves to move through and release those burdens to reach a place where we can achieve with ease and clarity. 

When we become aware of the nature of our thoughts, we can carve a path to acceptance, self love, and empowerment that dissolves resistance and opens us up to limitless possibilities.🌟


An exploration of Self love (Dissolve the judgement)


A subject that's dear to my heart that makes coaching so much fun is creativity.